Hear from people who have joined the Healthier 901 movement and kick-started their health journeys. See their progress and learn what’s driving them to live their healthiest, most fulfilling lives.

Recent Stories

Bond of Brothers

Bond of Brothers

Jim Foley was 9 ½ years old when he found out he’d no longer be the youngest in the family.“My mom was 41 when she had the twins,” said Foley. Twin boys to be exact – expanding the family from four...

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A Father’s Love

A Father’s Love

Getting pregnant was a struggle for Joe Baker and his wife. “My wife and I tried to have babies for a long time. We did in vitro fertilization twice and it failed,” said Baker. “And then, two years...

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Losing Weight is a Team Sport

Losing Weight is a Team Sport

Being a team player is in Jimmy Scott’s DNA. “In junior high I did all three sports of football, basketball, and track. In college, I ran at Prairie View A & M outside of Houston and then...

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